About ME
Martine Metzger-Douçot
Grenade Coaching
being a coach is not an improvisation.
It’s not enough just to read and to train yourself. Experience and empirism are the key of trusting a coach.
It’s been over a decade that I have accompagnied people through their personnal transformation.
In the beginning, I was practicing coaching on the side of a day job, and then it became my main activity.
How did I change my situation ?
By applying my own coaching method to myself and by changing radically my life ! A marriage that was not suiting me anymore ? A Job ? A City ? Changin all of that seemed to be impossible, at first sight, however thanks to my method, I was able to see the opportunity inside what looked like obstacles, and unconquerable problems.

Inspired of the greatest practices of the profession and the code of ethics (which allowed me to be certified) I created an original and multidimentionnal coaching method that can be adapted to any type of profil that comes for coaching.
I decided to call this method “Grenade (like a pomegranate) coaching” to show efficency, shift the lines, sometimes in several directions at the same time, while dusting the corner of whisfullthinking, to bring light into the truth of it, and while looking for what really make sens (all that with kindness and indulgence).
Guaranteed with anti bullshit, antioxidant, nutritive and explosive, for he, she, or in between.
The multidimentionnal and systemic approach are permitting quick, and lasting results working accordingly with core values. Long story short, practicing coaching with me is complete, and will allow you to enhance many facets of your life (at the same time, if you want it) around a main goal.
So, praticing Coaching with me is very complete, and will help you to enchance several aspects of your life at the same time (and if you wish to do so, of course) just by sarting to work on one main goal.
Junguienne approach of Shadow work , Ericksonian Light Hypnonis, Systemic Coaching, Complession and intergration of traumatic memories, Transactionnal analysis… I adapt my coaching with an holistic dimension around a goal that you choose yourself.
Life coaching, Seduction Coaching, Relational Coaching, always based on your learner’s profil.
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Feeling inspired ? You wish to make a session with me ? Please find my fees right below.
If you want to book an appointement for a free 20 min. discovery session, send me a message through the contact form.